Monday, April 28, 2008


Hard to believe Gracie's a month old already. Its been quite a month! As it turns out it was my BP meds that were sedating her through my breast milk. So shes on formula. Im kinda bummed about that. I had it in my head that I was going to make more of an attempt to breast feed this time around since she is my last baby. But at the same time I was unwilling to subject my daughter to being a guinea pig by trying each new medication to see if and how she reacts. Ryan is getting more adjusted to her. At first he would cry every time she did, and he would look at her like "What is this thing?" Now he pretty much ignores her. We try to get him to kiss her when he is making his round of bedtime hugs and kisses, but he refuses. Everyone else gets one but not Grace. He shakes his head no and turns his head. Its so funny! Once he patted her back, but thats as much affection as she has gotten from him! The biggest adjustment for Ryan has been having daddy home. Steve took a month off from work and Ry really got clingy to Steve. He would cry if daddy left the room. He'd have an all out breakdown if God forbid Steve went to the bathroom by himself. He wanted nothing to do with me or even Zachary. And Zachary is his favorite person in the world! So that was really hard for me. I really just wanted to snuggle my little boy but he looked at me like I was the grim reeper. That seems to be over now that Steve is back to work. Out of sight, out of mind I guess. I was really lucky that Steve took so much time off. I really dont know how I would have managed had he not. The C section recuperation is so damn long. Im still not supposed to be picking up Ryan for 6 weeks but I have to. Im trying not to unnecessarily but Ive got to lift him in and out of his crib, and high chair, etc when no one else is around. Theres no way I would have been able to take care of him and a newborn by myself still laid up for the first few weeks. It was so hard (on both Steve and I) for him to go back. Makes us really look forward to retirement! He only has to go back for a week and then he is on vacation for another week. Im already wishing this week away so I can have my hubby back home!
Zachary is now in his new bedroom (Grace has his old room) on the first floor and is having a time for himself there. More privacy for him since the rest of us sleep on the 2nd floor. And his new room is pretty cool, and more grown up....(sniffle sniffle). He needs no adjustment period, by now he is used to the routine of a new baby. He tells me in no uncertain terms "No more babies". I tell him not to worry, were done. While he loves the little ones, this house gets pretty chaotic. 2 parents, 3 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats, and a boat load of toys. Move in any direction, your bound to trip over someone or something.
As for Grace, she is doing very well. Shes really sweet. Looks identical to Ryan as a baby. So much so that even Steve could not tell them apart in pictures of the same age. Its like looking at Ryan in girl clothes. Haha! She's pretty mellow, just like Zachary was. She still sleeps a lot but when she's awake shes very alert. Cant wait to see those first smiles! Shes usually up only one time in the night to eat. As tired as I am from that, its nothing compared to getting up every hour to pee during pregnancy. Now even though Im probably getting less sleep, at least its consecutive! Im starting to be able to play with Ryan like I want to. Its been a long time since Ive been able to crawl around the floor with him. I did a lot of reading him books over the past few months because thats all I could do. Im not quite there yet, but Im getting closer. Now if I get on the floor it will still take me a while to get up, but at least I can get up!
Im getting around pretty good myself. Ive already lost 30 lbs. Cheating I guess when you have a 9 lb baby but I will take what I can get! Going to start back on weight watchers any day now. I havnt had a minute to look through the book and figure out my points but I will this week. I took a mile walk a few weeks ago, but I was pretty sore after and decided I need to wait a little bit longer before starting my walking regimen. I just cant wait to get out in this nice weather and power walk again! The other day I took a small (slow) walk and did fine. I feel pretty good though for the most part. I can defiantly tell when Ive over done it. My incision and stomach muscles get sore and ache. Im trying to behave, I dont want this recovery to be any longer than it has to. Guess thats all I have for now. Sorry its been a while since Ive posted. As you can imagine, Ive been a busy gal!
Ps, I realize there is barely ever any pics of Zachary on here. Thats because he refuses to have his pic taken. Its not for lack of trying!


Evil Dahlia said...
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Suzie said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Anonymous said...

Your family is just beautiful. I am glad to hear the meds were the sleeping issue. I cant get over how big Zach is. Im amazed with 2 babies you are even thinking about power walking. I would think the minute you are not waiting on, or working on someone, that you would drop in a chair somewhere. Well Happy B-Day MJ