Saturday, January 20, 2007

Day 3 Saturday Jan 13th

Saturday was a little frustrating. Nursing wasnt going so well. I had a hard time nursing Zachary and it appeared we were headed in the same direction. Zachary was small to start with. 6lbs 10 oz and I attempted to nurse for 2 weeks. And it was a very trying 2 weeks. He wasnt taking to it and he was loosing too much weight so I stopped and at the advice of my pediatrician, started him on formula. Back then, all I had was a hand held breast pump, which is pretty useless. So Ryan was now headed in the same direction. The nurses were trying ot help, but It got pretty frustrating pretty fast. Suzie had given me her really good electric breast pump so after 2 hours of trying to nurse him Saturday morning, I decided to throw in the towel, and just pump it and give it to him that way from now on. He takes to a bottle like a pro. And he's happier doing it that way, and frankly so am I. The nurses were giving me a hard time about it and kept trying to get me to continue to try and nurse, but I wasnt doing it. I was getting so mad. Im not spending the time fighting my newborn, Id rather be cuddling him! There are some women who would get upset if they cant nurse, and thats fine, but Im not one of them. Im still giving him breast milk, its just coming from a bottle. Whats the big deal? Now Steve can help with feedings, I can see how much he is getting, and everyone is happy. Plus, Im not one of those women who can easily nurse in public. Kudos to those who can, I give them credit. Anyway, the pumping, and eating is going well. Its the right option for us. And he now eats like a piggy. Ryans weight was 8/15 when he was born, at one point he was 8/6, and within 24 hours of pumping he was up to 8/9, and thats what he was discharged at. At his 1 week Dr appt he was 8/12 and a half. So theres no doubt he is getting what he needs. Anyway, Steve left for a while to bring Zachary to his basketball game, and then they both came back togther. Watching how good Z is with Ryan is priceless. Its a great thing. We had lots of visitors. My cousin Kim and 2 of her kids, Cari and Johnny. Ryan got to meet Grampy Levine (Steves dad), friends Kevin and Alexa and Brendon and Shoshanna, Uncle John, Maxine and Jeff. It was a busy day! Steve and Zachary slept home that night. Steve was with me the past 2 nights and Z was at his grandparents for one night and Suzies the next. I was eating like a champ at that hospital! Lobster tails, and shrimp casserole were on my menu for the rest of my duration. MMMMMM, I dint want to leave!

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